February - One Chord
“One Chord” is sort of a meta song. A song written in a song writing challenge about writing songs. It all starts with one chord on your guitar or on your keyboard. Every song! The “making of” became sort of an interesting journey.
This is how today’s challenge went:
6:30 a.m. - Wrote some notes on the One Day One Song challenge in my diary when I realized that my motivation to accept this challenge is based on my very ability to churn out songs quite easily. This sort of foreword to my imaginary Making-Of diary gave the inspiration and I wrote about half of the lyrics and some intended keywords for the missing parts Productive fifteen minutes.
5:50 p.m. - In the studio, tinkering with the sound carpet for about an hour and experiment with the vocal settings.
20:30 p.m - Back at it. Vocal complete, then guitar and the drum carpet near the climax at the end
22:30 p.m. - Fifth attempt at mastering. Either the end of the song gets cut off, or the beginning. Something’s wrong.
22:36 p.m. - Song complete!!!
Learning 1 - Why do some organ sounds work with the sustain pedal and some not?
Learning 2 - I ran out of song and had to Google how to create a longer song in Logic Pro.
Learning 3 - Can’t use microphone and guitar at the same time.