February - Imaginary Conversations
I am surely not superstitious, but number 13 was the most difficult so far. Tomorrow I need to simplify!
9:00 p.m. - Start writing the first bits of lyrics and music on my piano. Had this sort of unrequited love scenario in mind, the conversations you might have with someone unreachable in the imaginary circumstance that you are able to talk it out.
9:30 p.m. - Recording of piano and the drum sections. Adding the bass was fun, good sound, but messy. Vocals come quickly together, now that I know how to edit the second vocal track in pitch and timing. Made the cardinal mistake to make only shadow tracks instead of copying. Can’t do individual edits to the various track elements, some ugly timing issues are the consequence.
10:30 p.m. - Fine tuning starts. I play around with the layerings but are unable to create any tension for the refrain. Frustration! I end up by adding an ill-fitting drum loop from Apple’s repository. Added some vocal widenings. Worked fine but not really the best effect
11:30 p.m. - Started mixing. Tried to solve some of the timing issues but only got so far before time ran out.
12:05 a.m.- Mastering done. Another one in the can.
Learnings today:
Copy instead of Alias for track regions! This will keep me in control of individual notes and errors, instead of the other way around.
Simpler songs. Tomorrow I’ll go simplier from the get-go.